Creative Writing Workshop

I am excited to invite you to join my creative writing workshop, and embark on a journey of discovering your own creativity and your unique voice. I will be sharing my own process of writing, inviting you to experiment, guiding you gently on your journey, and offering constructive feedback. In 2017, I left my paidContinue reading “Creative Writing Workshop”

Invitation to Weekend Creative Writing Journey

Today I’m writing you – excited – to invite you to embark on a journey of creative writing with me. So what’s this creative journey all about and what will you get out of it? As every writer, I often struggle with my writing. I find myself staring at a blank notebook or a blankContinue reading “Invitation to Weekend Creative Writing Journey”

#MeToo – I’m a survivor of sexual violence

English and Arabic this is my body wounded, ripped, ruptured, bleeding. It’s been made a battlefield. But today, I reclaim it. And one day, it will heal. هذا جسدي المجروح، النازف والممزق والذي قد جعلوا منه ساحة حرب اليوم، سأدوّن ملكيّتي على جسدي، سأضمّد جراحه وفي يوم ما سيصبح معافى . #meToo #healing #وأنا_كمان #تسكتيش Tuskuteesh (don’t remainContinue reading “#MeToo – I’m a survivor of sexual violence”

Interview with me about my feminist activism

As a feminist activist, I am contacted regularly by international volunteers, interns, and researchers who are doing research on feminism. I usually don’t like the end result, as my quotes are all too often taken out of context. This time, however, I was glad that the researcher made extra effort and worked with me, meetingContinue reading “Interview with me about my feminist activism”

when you become a third-person narrative

my close friends know that when i completely run out of words, that’s when the poetry flows out of my soul on its own. but right now, even poetry is failing me. All i have is one line, words that are swimming in my mind in an endless loop, hitting the walls of my brainContinue reading “when you become a third-person narrative”

What we are forbidden to talk about

Every story, every testimony of sexual violence that arrives at تسكتيش Tuskuteesh (don’t remain silent: a safe space for Arab women to share testimonies of sexual violence), brings up yet another, and another memory. I realize that as a woman, I’ve been exposed to so many incidents of sexual harassment throughout my life that IContinue reading “What we are forbidden to talk about”

What happened when I dared to write in Arabic

As a Palestinian woman who lives between four languages and several cultures, I write in different languages, each time according to the context. Sometimes my choice of language in social media is arbitrary, while at other times it depends on the content and context. As an activist in the fight against sexual violence in theContinue reading “What happened when I dared to write in Arabic”

scribbles from a notebook

I dip in and out of writing. Something is simmering beneath the surface. Three women, memories of three lives, each carrying some elements of me inside her. I connect to them, get lost in their lives, I confuse them, then try to separate them back and mould them into three independent characters. I try toContinue reading “scribbles from a notebook”

monologue on the wall

being a writer means that I’m either writing, thinking about writing and about my characters’s lives, constantly weaving alternative narrative lines in my head. But it also means that I live two parallel lives – the one real life, and then a second life, which is lived through words, within the folds of notebooks. There, whenContinue reading “monologue on the wall”

all things needed + my heart lives elsewhere

all things needed fold time into love unfold kindness – from your skin count the beauty into a – pouch hang the sun – upside down unspool your fire – from that thread what is beauty and where is your – sky. (c) khulud khamis, Haifa | July 2016     my heart lives –Continue reading “all things needed + my heart lives elsewhere”