The act of getting smaller while growing up as a girl

On the experience of growing up as a girl, when the body begins to change. I relate to this so much. Will be writing a short piece about this, and am interested in hearing similar or different experiences. Any women who relate to this? Your thoughts? How did you feel when your body started toContinue reading “The act of getting smaller while growing up as a girl”

What happened when I dared to write in Arabic

As a Palestinian woman who lives between four languages and several cultures, I write in different languages, each time according to the context. Sometimes my choice of language in social media is arbitrary, while at other times it depends on the content and context. As an activist in the fight against sexual violence in theContinue reading “What happened when I dared to write in Arabic”

a workshop in storytelling

Yesterday was the first time in my life I participate in a workshop with a performing artist and storyteller. Being a writer is a form of storytelling, but being a performing storyteller is different. On some levels, these two forms are the same, but on other levels they are different. They are the same inContinue reading “a workshop in storytelling”


This week, the women of Poland took to the streets in black Black Monday protests against the criminalization of abortions, with up to five years of imprisonment for women who terminate their pregnancies. Until when do we have to fight for our rights over our bodies? It’s the same thing throughout history – trying toContinue reading “#StopPolicingOurBodies”

inspiration among artists

Adi Liraz is a Berlin-based multi and interdisciplinary artist I’ve been friends with on Facebook for quite some time. Recently, two specific works of her caught my eye. The first one was just around the Burkini ban. Around that time, out of rage, I wrote a poem by the title “Stop Policing My Body.” ShortlyContinue reading “inspiration among artists”

Privilege is relative.

Recently, I had the opportunity to talk to an anthropology student about her research. Part of her research included talking to young Arab women who have been able to build an independent life for themselves, free – to some degree – of some of the patriarchal oppressions in our society. Somehow, not surprisingly, the conversationContinue reading “Privilege is relative.”

Not the article I planned to write

This is not the article I planned to write. I’m writing an article about the dangers and potentials of Facebook activism, after being disillusioned by Facebook, deactivated my account, and then returned to Facebook with new insights. Coming back to Facebook after a while, it feels strange, as if I’m in a new dimension. IContinue reading “Not the article I planned to write”

The Silencing of Women

Singing and writing – of all the arts, to my belief, these two are perceived as the most dangerous by any patriarchal society that wishes to keep its women silenced and oppressed. Because singing and writing are expressions of voice, and we are expected not to raise our voices and remain silent, and silence meansContinue reading “The Silencing of Women”