100 words – a writing exercise in condensing.

I haven’t shared any posts lately about my process of writing, because truthfully I haven’t had anything exciting to share and I haven’t had any experiences of new discoveries in terms of process. This month, a couple of things happened. I started reading Ursula K. Le Guin’s brilliant book Steering the Craft: A 21st-century GuideContinue reading “100 words – a writing exercise in condensing.”

Memory, Loss, and Absence in Akram Musallam’s novel The Dance of the Deep-Blue Scorpion

Book review The Dance of the Deep-Blue Scorpion by Palestinian writer Akram Musallam, forthcoming by Seagull Books. English Translation: Sawad Hussein. An excerpt from my review of the novel, published in The Markaz Review: Akram Musallam’s novel, The Dance of the Deep-Blue Scorpion, originally published in Arabic in 2008, is a meditation on loss, absence,Continue reading “Memory, Loss, and Absence in Akram Musallam’s novel The Dance of the Deep-Blue Scorpion”

100 Ways – Finding your Own (creative writing workshop 3)

In this session, we will talk about how we can find inspiration in other disciplines of art. We will choose one specific theme or situation, and practice going deeper, writing about the same theme from various perspectives. This exercise will help you explore a theme of interest to you and contribute towards finding your ownContinue reading “100 Ways – Finding your Own (creative writing workshop 3)”

Creative Writing Workshop

I am excited to invite you to join my creative writing workshop, and embark on a journey of discovering your own creativity and your unique voice. I will be sharing my own process of writing, inviting you to experiment, guiding you gently on your journey, and offering constructive feedback. In 2017, I left my paidContinue reading “Creative Writing Workshop”

the mind works in mysterious ways

The mind works in mysterious ways. Last week, I was thinking about how social media is enabling us to share our most fragile moments; specifically, I was thinking about how girls and women are increasingly sharing personal thoughts coping and living with mental health issues and PTSD, exposing their raw scars and their fragile souls.Continue reading “the mind works in mysterious ways”

Invitation to Weekend Creative Writing Journey

Today I’m writing you – excited – to invite you to embark on a journey of creative writing with me. So what’s this creative journey all about and what will you get out of it? As every writer, I often struggle with my writing. I find myself staring at a blank notebook or a blankContinue reading “Invitation to Weekend Creative Writing Journey”

The act of getting smaller while growing up as a girl

On the experience of growing up as a girl, when the body begins to change. I relate to this so much. Will be writing a short piece about this, and am interested in hearing similar or different experiences. Any women who relate to this? Your thoughts? How did you feel when your body started toContinue reading “The act of getting smaller while growing up as a girl”

Interview with me about my feminist activism

As a feminist activist, I am contacted regularly by international volunteers, interns, and researchers who are doing research on feminism. I usually don’t like the end result, as my quotes are all too often taken out of context. This time, however, I was glad that the researcher made extra effort and worked with me, meetingContinue reading “Interview with me about my feminist activism”

when you become a third-person narrative

my close friends know that when i completely run out of words, that’s when the poetry flows out of my soul on its own. but right now, even poetry is failing me. All i have is one line, words that are swimming in my mind in an endless loop, hitting the walls of my brainContinue reading “when you become a third-person narrative”


In a month, I will be leaving my position as resource development coordinator at Isha L’Isha – Haifa Feminist Center. I started my journey with Isha L’Isha ten years ago, in 2007, when I applied for the position. I have found in Isha L’Isha my feminism and my feminist home, I met inspiring and supportiveContinue reading “Changes”