100 words – a writing exercise in condensing.

I haven’t shared any posts lately about my process of writing, because truthfully I haven’t had anything exciting to share and I haven’t had any experiences of new discoveries in terms of process. This month, a couple of things happened. I started reading Ursula K. Le Guin’s brilliant book Steering the Craft: A 21st-century GuideContinue reading “100 words – a writing exercise in condensing.”

To be a woman in the public sphere.

I walk into a building, followed by two men in their forties. The three of us are standing, waiting for the elevator. One of the men is talking on the phone, not paying any attention to me. The other one: staring at me in a creepy way, not taking his eyes off my body. IContinue reading “To be a woman in the public sphere.”

#MeToo – I’m a survivor of sexual violence

English and Arabic this is my body wounded, ripped, ruptured, bleeding. It’s been made a battlefield. But today, I reclaim it. And one day, it will heal. هذا جسدي المجروح، النازف والممزق والذي قد جعلوا منه ساحة حرب اليوم، سأدوّن ملكيّتي على جسدي، سأضمّد جراحه وفي يوم ما سيصبح معافى . #meToo #healing #وأنا_كمان #تسكتيش Tuskuteesh (don’t remainContinue reading “#MeToo – I’m a survivor of sexual violence”

Interview with me about my feminist activism

As a feminist activist, I am contacted regularly by international volunteers, interns, and researchers who are doing research on feminism. I usually don’t like the end result, as my quotes are all too often taken out of context. This time, however, I was glad that the researcher made extra effort and worked with me, meetingContinue reading “Interview with me about my feminist activism”

calling Jerusalem Haifa Amman

I wrote this poem two days after my friend, Ahmed, who was protesting non-violently in Al Quds (I had his live-stream where I could hear him shouting “We are non-violent” both in English and Hebrew). In another live-stream, he tried to get inside Al Maqased hospital to donate blood, and in return, he got aContinue reading “calling Jerusalem Haifa Amman”

the last time – three versions

One of the most difficult issues to write about – for me – is sexual assault, especially when it comes to detailing a scene. I’ve been struggling with this scene for the last week, ending up with three versions. The first version ended up – quite unsurprisingly – something that we would wish could happenContinue reading “the last time – three versions”

What we are forbidden to talk about

Every story, every testimony of sexual violence that arrives at تسكتيش Tuskuteesh (don’t remain silent: a safe space for Arab women to share testimonies of sexual violence), brings up yet another, and another memory. I realize that as a woman, I’ve been exposed to so many incidents of sexual harassment throughout my life that IContinue reading “What we are forbidden to talk about”

What happened when I dared to write in Arabic

As a Palestinian woman who lives between four languages and several cultures, I write in different languages, each time according to the context. Sometimes my choice of language in social media is arbitrary, while at other times it depends on the content and context. As an activist in the fight against sexual violence in theContinue reading “What happened when I dared to write in Arabic”

Tuskuteesh – don’t remain silent – small request

Dear friends, Some of you are familiar with the Tuskuteesh (don’t remain silent in Arabic) Facebook page that me and my friend co-founded a bit over a year ago. The page is a safe space for Arab women to share testimonies of sexual violence. It’s revolutionary in that it’s the only such space. Although weContinue reading “Tuskuteesh – don’t remain silent – small request”