Interview with me about my feminist activism

As a feminist activist, I am contacted regularly by international volunteers, interns, and researchers who are doing research on feminism. I usually don’t like the end result, as my quotes are all too often taken out of context. This time, however, I was glad that the researcher made extra effort and worked with me, meetingContinue reading “Interview with me about my feminist activism”


This week, the women of Poland took to the streets in black Black Monday protests against the criminalization of abortions, with up to five years of imprisonment for women who terminate their pregnancies. Until when do we have to fight for our rights over our bodies? It’s the same thing throughout history – trying toContinue reading “#StopPolicingOurBodies”

Privilege is relative.

Recently, I had the opportunity to talk to an anthropology student about her research. Part of her research included talking to young Arab women who have been able to build an independent life for themselves, free – to some degree – of some of the patriarchal oppressions in our society. Somehow, not surprisingly, the conversationContinue reading “Privilege is relative.”

stop policing my body

you will not drag my body through your – muddy dirty battlefield. you will not – dress me undress me police me. my body is not the battlefield for your morals – religious or secular. my morals reside in my heart my morals are – not hidden in the folds of my clothes (and justContinue reading “stop policing my body”

On the Art of Political Poetry

Recently I’ve been invited to give a workshop for university students in a course on “Women, Poetry, History.” My first reaction was: “What? Me? A poet? No, no, you got it wrong. I ain’t no poet. I’m a fiction writer, a novelist. I don’t do poetry.” But then, slowly, I realized that actually, I amContinue reading “On the Art of Political Poetry”

International Women’s Day 2016

something spontaneous and short i wrote 3 years ago for the International Women’s Day. Wishing women all over the world life free of all forms of oppression and violence in which we can be who we are, pursue our aspirations and dreams and feel safe. woman wake up stand up straight unbending raise your voiceContinue reading “International Women’s Day 2016”

The Silencing of Women

Singing and writing – of all the arts, to my belief, these two are perceived as the most dangerous by any patriarchal society that wishes to keep its women silenced and oppressed. Because singing and writing are expressions of voice, and we are expected not to raise our voices and remain silent, and silence meansContinue reading “The Silencing of Women”