
In a month, I will be leaving my position as resource development coordinator at Isha L’Isha – Haifa Feminist Center. I started my journey with Isha L’Isha ten years ago, in 2007, when I applied for the position. I have found in Isha L’Isha my feminism and my feminist home, I met inspiring and supportiveContinue reading “Changes”

Beautiful gaps of meaning

In life, as in literature, there are beautiful gaps of meaning. Sometimes they are intentional, at other times spontaneous. A writer leaves for us gaps to complete the meaning according to our own life experiences; sometimes she has the answers, but often the writer herself doesn’t have the answer. For me, one of the smallContinue reading “Beautiful gaps of meaning”

Writing in the Margins – Fluid Identities

Writing in the Margins – Fluid Identities In her Feminist Theory – from Margin to Center, bell hooks opens with the following preface: “To be in the margin is to be part of the whole but outside the main body. As black Americans living in a small Kentucky town, the railroad tracks were a dailyContinue reading “Writing in the Margins – Fluid Identities”